Build a Shaving Horse with Tim Manney
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January 31st - February 2nd, 2020; 9 am - 4 pm
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Come build the celebrated Tim Manney Shaving Horse in a long weekend,
guided by the man himself.
An acute and patient observer of all things edged and ergonomic, Tim has developed a versatile shaving horse that is great for holding everything from chair parts to spoon blanks.
Participants of any skill level are welcome. You will learn how to assess good qualities in a shaving horse, how to account for wood movement in the design, and how to make really good glue joints along the way. All materials will be provided, as well as most tools. Participants are encouraged to bring a sloyd knife (Plymouth CRAFT will have some for sale at reasonable rates), a block or bench plane, and a ¾" chisel. (And a few clamps, if you have'em? Why not?) Speedy completion of this design may benefit from the occasional use of Tim's portable planer and drill press, so please bring eye and ear protection to wear around those.

"This simple, elegant shaving horse is a hybrid of two designs by two of Tim Manney’s mentors. The base comes from chairmaker Curtis Buchanan’s horse, and the clamping mechanism is a simplified version of Carl Swensson’s."
— Fine Woodworking #262
July/August 2017 Issue

"The result is a strong, simple-to-build horse that adjusts easily for different workpiece sizes and has great holding power and ergonomics."
— Fine Woodworking #262
July/August 2017 Issue
In his article "How to Ride a Shaving Horse" (Fine Woodworking #262), Curtis Buchanan estimates that in the course of 34 years of chair-making, he's spent 21,000 hours on a shaving horse — "The one I'm using now was designed and made by Tim Manney and it's the best I've ever used."
Your $750 registration includes:
3 days of hands-on instruction
class size of six participants
a Tim Manney Shaving Horse of your own making to take home
all materials and most tools provided
three delicious and nourishing lunches